The East African Youth Inclusion Project (EAYIP) Post-COVID Assessment | Uganda

EAYIP is a five-year program implemented by Heifer international and funded by Mastercard Foundation designed to create employment and enterprise development opportunities in the dairy sector and other agricultural value chains. The post-COVID impact assessment was commissioned by Heifer International to establish the performance of EAYIP in Uganda and provide recommendations for scaling the project.

We conducted 6,075 surveys and 76 interviews with beneficiaries and stakeholders. One of the most notable outcomes is the of the Social Return on Investment of the project ; a $1 investment in EAYIP resulted in a $4 in social value. Investing in young people in agriculture is not only a good investment, but one with excellent returns.

Our report provided evidence-based feedback on the impact, key findings and areas for project improvement. Overall, the beneficiaries demonstrated increased self-confidence and income.

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